Reportlinker Adds New Multi-Marketing Channel Strategies

NEW YORK – announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue, “Multi-Marketing Channel Strategies“.

The future of Pharma marketing lies in using new marketing channels such as social media intertwined with traditional marketing practices to create a multi-channel marketing mix. However, online brand promotion through social media is more effective for targeting patients than physicians, indicating direct marketing tactics to physicians through social media should be limited.


* Provides an overview of the reasons behind the need for new marketing channels
* Explores the different channel mixes used to reach the pharma industry’s diverse customer base, both patients and doctors
* Examines the use of online social media technology and uses in-depth case study analysis to examine the pros and cons of each marketing channel
* Evaluates the future of online technology and how it can be used by Pharma marketing teams



Social media is an excellent communication medium for pharma companies wishing to interact with patients, incorporating both disease and product information. The informal relaxed setting suits the more emotive informational needs of patients.

The key for the industry now is to strike the right balance between use of new media tools and deciding which aspects of traditional marketing strategies should remain or can be modified to suit today’s marketing environment.

Using online technology such as eDetailing is the most effective online marketing tool for physicians, and can be used to create an effective closed-loop marketing strategy as part of a viable and sensible approach to successful physician marketing.

Reasons to Purchase

* Understand why marketing practices in the pharmaceutical industry is changing
* Access actionable recommendations through case study analysis on the appropriateness of eMedia strategies towards different target audiences.
* Identify future models that Pharma companies could consider replicating going forward


About the Strategic Pharmaceutical Analysis Team 2

Chapter 1 Executive Summary 3

Strategic scoping and focus 3
Datamonitor insight 3
Related reports 4
Table of Contents 5

Chapter 2 Examining the need for a multi-channeled marketing approach 6

Traditional physician and patient marketing channels are becoming less effective 6
A multi-marketing channel approach is the way forward 9
Multi-channel marketing requires a tailored mix of traditional and novel media aimed at each target audience 10
Multi-channel marketing channels need to be considered in terms of targeted customers 12
New multiple-marketing channels need to be considered in terms of the healthcare professional targeted 13
Physician network websites represent a successful format that Pharma could mimic 14
Multi-channeled approaches can enhance Pharma’s communication offering to physicians 15
Leveraging eDetailing for effective closed-loop marketing 16
New multiple-marketing channels need to be considered for patients too 18
Patient online communities expect two-way dialogue – Pharma is still communicating one-way 18
Implementation of Pharma’s multi-marketing online strategies held up by a regulatory minefield 19
Adverse event reporting should not limit Pharma’s uptake of online promotion 21

Chapter 3 Web 2.0 technology – a key component of multi-channel marketing 22

Pharma needs to be where its customers are – online 22
Web 2.0 technology enables Pharma to communicate with patients 22
YouTube – a underused communication tool 23
The pros and cons of YouTube as a pharma marketing channel 23
Johnson & Johnson leads the way on YouTube 27
Pharma’s use of Facebook is still in its infancy 29
The pros and cons of Facebook as a pharma marketing channel 30
Facebook patient awareness – Merck & Co’s Gardasil page 32
Facebook patient awareness – Novartis breast cancer awareness page 33
Facebook patient awareness – McNeil Pediatrics sponsored ‘ADHD Moms’ page 34
Which strategy should Pharma utilize on Facebook? 34
MySpace is not used by Pharma 36
Twitter – Pharma likes to Tweet! 36
The pros and cons of Twitter as a Pharma marketing channel 36
Big Pharma feels safe Twittering 38
Boehringer Ingelheim is pioneering Pharma Tweets 39
Blogs are still a one-way communication method 42
The pros and cons of pharma blogs 42
GlaxoSmithKline succeeds at blogging 43
Web 2.0 technology is not being used effectively as a promotional tool to target healthcare professionals 44
Opportunities for Pharma to create an integrated disease management program around its drugs 45
Google Health – personalized medicine will be the future 45
iPhone (smart-phone) applications – replacement educational incentive for reps seeking physician access 46
Wii Fit – a communication tool 48

Bibliography 49

Publications and online articles 49

Datamonitor resources 53


Search advertisement 54

Sponsored link 54

Web 2.0 54

About Datamonitor 55

About Datamonitor Healthcare 55

Datamonitor consulting 55

Disclaimer 57

List of Tables

Table 1: Marketing approaches to key stakeholders 12
Table 2: Online physician and nurse communities, 2009 14
Table 3: Top 10 Pharma company websites visited by US physicians, 2008 15
Table 4: Brand sponsored patient communities 19
Table 5: Top 10 Big Pharma companies with the highest promotional spend, 2008 24
Table 6: Pharma companies with a presence on YouTube, 2009 26
Table 7: Big Pharma companies with corporate – employee Facebook pages (as of July 2009), 2009 30
Table 8: Pharma sponsored Facebook pages 35
Table 9: List of Pharma companies with Twitter accounts 39
Table 10: Pharma blogs – corporate and branded drug blogs sites currently in operation, 2009 42
Table 11: Top 10 iPhone health-related applications 47

List of Figures

Figure 1: Big Pharma companies ranked by their 2007 advertising budgets, 2006-07 9
Figure 2: Multi-channel marketing combines traditional and novel (web-based) approaches 10
Figure 3: Internal cross-functional teamwork necessary for multi-channel marketing strategy 11
Figure 4: Optimizing Pharma- physician communication channel strategies 16
Figure 5: An outline of the FDA’s draft guidelines on presenting risk information in prescription drug and medical device promotional material 20
Figure 6: The pros and cons of YouTube as a means for pharma companies of raising both disease and product awareness among patients 25
Figure 7: Johnson & Johnson’s YouTube page 28
Figure 8: The pros and cons of a pharma Facebook profile as part of Pharma’s patient marketing strategy 31
Figure 9: Novartis-sponsored patient advocate Facebook page by Marcia Strassman, 2009 33
Figure 10: Twitter, MySpace and Facebook audience retention rates 37
Figure 11: The pros and cons for pharma companies f of a Twitter account 38
Figure 12: Boehringer Ingelheim’s Twitter page user occupation and online behaviors 40
Figure 13: Alli connect – GlaxoSmithKline’s honest blogging webpage) 43

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Reportlinker Adds New Multi-Marketing Channel Strategies