Organize Your Inbox (and Never Waste Time on Email Again) With SaneBox. Sign up today and save $25 on any subscription.

The average person spends 13 hours per week on email. Do you want that time back to focus on what really matters?

With SaneBox, you’ll get through your inbox 3 times as fast. 

SaneBox is a premium VIP service for professionals drowning in email. It prioritizes your inbox so you only see the emails you need to take action on. 

It works with any email provider, client, or device.

SaneBox is like a super-smart assistant who’s been with you for years. It moves unimportant emails from the inbox into a new folder and summarizes them in a digest where you can quickly bulk-process them. The average SaneBox customer saves 12+ hours/month.

Additional features:

  • SaneBlackHole – Instantly unsubscribe from annoying marketers, mailing lists and newsletters
  • SaneReminders – Get a reminder if someone doesn’t respond to you
  • SaneSnooze – Snooze non-urgent emails
  • SaneAttachments – Automatically upload attachments to Dropbox, Evernote, Box, etc.
  • …and more features to enhance your existing email setup

With glowing reviews from TechCrunch, Forbes, The New York Times, and emailers everywhere, you can rest assured that you will fall in love with email again. And it’s risk free—cancel and your email returns to the way it was.

Get started today with this coupon: for a free 2-week trial (no CC required) plus an extra $25 towards your subscription!