Infographic Highlights Pre-Super Bowl Online Buzz for Teams / Players

A new infographic issued by Banyan Branch tells us more about the buzz around the Giants and the Patriots. The data was collected between December 30, 2011 and January 29, 2012.

–          Top: Summarizes mention of players names


–          2nd Down: Compares stats with twitter volume by player (yardage/points attained)

–          3rd Down: Volume of mentions of the team vs. the coach

–          Bottom: Word cloud of conversation for each team

–          Quarterbacks captured the majority of the conversation buzz – most of which was football related (though Tom Brady also has some conversation around his personal life mixed in)

–          Tom Brady generated the most conversation and yielded more yards than Eli Manning

–          Receivers for both teams also generated a fair amount of buzz primarily due to their own activity on the channel and we did not see any correlation between the volume of Twitter traffic and statistical performance on the field

–          People like to talk about the Giants, but the Patriot players individually get more attention, including the coaches.

Super Bowl 2012 - Giants Patriots

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Banyan Branch, based in Seattle, WA, is a full-service social media agency that provides end-to-end marketing services including strategy, creative, execution and analytics. With a holistic approach that integrates Strategy, Social Media Creative, Engagement and Research & Analytics, Banyan Branch delivers social media programs unmatched by smaller agencies, while providing more personalized service and quicker response than large-scale digital firms. Dozens of the world’s leading brands, including FOX, Viacom, Paramount, Hartz, Univision, Gilt Groupe, Microsoft and Windstar Cruises have partnered with Banyan Branch to implement a wide variety of social media campaigns. Any company ready to connect with its customers where they live and breathe, can contact Banyan Branch via