The Rubicon Project Unveils Industry First: Free Ad Network Ad Server

Ad:Tech, San Francisco, Calif. – April 14, 2007 – the Rubicon Project, a company with a mission to automate the large, yet highly inefficient advertising industry unveils an industry first: a free ad server for website publishers, specifically designed to manage multiple ad networks. Also released today is a new enhanced version of its ad network optimization (ANO) service for websites looking to let the experts handle the work of maximizing revenue from their ad space. More than 5,000 websites applied to be part of the company’s private Beta; 750 were selected to participate in the program. With today’s public Beta release any website interested in building advertising revenue through ad network optimization and ad network management can sign up.

“Websites told us that ad network management was their #1 pain point. So we created and defined the Ad Network Optimization category,” says Frank Addante, CEO and Founder of the Rubicon Project. “Since our launch, websites have told us existing ad servers aren’t built to effectively manage ad networks. So today we deliver our new, free, Ad Network Ad Server. These advancements underscore our commitment to optimizing the relationship and revenue between websites and ad networks.”


The original concept of the ad server was designed ten years ago when all ad sales were handled by websites directly, but the marketplace has changed. Research has revealed that as little as 20% of inventory is sold directly by websites, while up to 80% remains unsold. That unsold ad space is typically sent to ad networks to monetize. Some websites rely entirely on ad networks for their advertising revenue. Existing ad servers, whether free or fee-based, still only answer direct sales needs. They are not designed to manage multiple ad networks and exchanges, which is now a primary requirement for most website publishers. the Rubicon Project is committed to solving this problem.

Free Ad Network Ad Server: Ad servers should be free. The Rubicon Project’s hosted, self-service Ad Network Ad Server helps publishers easily manage multiple ad networks and provides consolidated, insightful reports in one place. No more shuffling multiple browser windows and spreadsheets while logging into five, ten or twenty different ad networks’ reporting systems. Benefits of the free Ad Network Ad Server include:

* Freedom: Only using one ad network today? Don’t have an ad server? Now you have one. Using multiple ad networks makes you more money.
* Free! Save Money: Save on expensive ad serving costs.
* No More Excel: Single ad network management and reporting dashboard.

Ad Network Optimizer: For websites seeking an “automatic” product that lets them make more money while doing less work, the Rubicon Project’s new Ad Network Optimizer is the answer. The Ad Network Optimizer leverages the strengths of all the world’s most popular ad networks. Utilizing a combination of algorithm-driven technology, 11+ billion pieces of market data from previously optimized ads, and a robust supply of more than 60 ad networks, it automatically matches each impression to the best ad network and optimal money-making opportunities. That means the Rubicon Project does the work so websites don’t have to! Additional features include:

* Smarter Optimization Algorithms: Maximize fill rate, kill defaults, target more precisely
* CPM Boosting: Optimize CPM’s and fill rates by geography, audience and content
* Ad Quality Screening: Filter out unwanted ads
* Meet New Ad Networks: expose your inventory to a wider audience of ad networks
* Certified Ad Space: automatic review for the Rubicon Certified Ad Space program
* Guaranteed On-time Payments: One simple check every month – get paid on time, even if networks pay late

Want to Make Mad Cash, better manage ad networks or check out our Certified Ad Space program? Visit:

Want to learn more about ad network optimization? Check out our Golden Eggs video:

About the Rubicon Project
the Rubicon Project is an advertising technology company run by a group of industry-experienced, aggressive and passionate renegades on a mission to automate the large, yet highly inefficient Internet advertising industry. While online advertising is expected to reach $27 billion in 2008, up to 80% of a websites’ ad space goes unsold (directly). Unsold ad space is sent to ad networks. Today, advertisers spread money across 300+ ad networks. In 2007, the Rubicon Project pioneered the Ad Network Optimization category with the launch of its first product. the Rubicon Project’s Ad Network Optimizer, a self-serve solution for any size website, uses smart matching technology to match each ad impression to the optimal money-making opportunities. Within the first 6 months of launch, the company optimized more than 11 billion ads and 5000 websites signed up for the service. Other innovations include a free-hosted Ad Network Ad Server for websites and a Certified Ad Space program to ensure safety, accuracy and trust for ad networks (and their advertisers) when placing ads on websites. The founders of the Rubicon Project created one of the first, and most successful, ad servers in 1998 (L90/adMonitor) that was later acquired by DoubleClick. Websites looking to make more money while doing less work should visit: