Nearly Three Quarters Of Media Professionals Say Skillsets Need To Be Significantly Reshaped – Kantar Media

More than half feel it important to recruit from outside the media industry to get fresh perspectives from other related industries

72% of global media industry respondents say they are having to significantly reshape their organisation in terms of skills and talent to adapt to the impact of AI and a changing media environment.

The online survey was conducted by Kantar Media, a world leader in audience measurement and insights, among more than 1000 respondents directly involved in data, research and insights across more than 50 markets from April to May of this year.


Additionally, the research found that 66% of respondents feel it important to recruit from outside the media industry to get fresh perspectives from other related industries, with 90% saying they want to recruit people who will challenge what the organisation is doing.

“The media industry is changing at an accelerated pace. Whether it’s due to big data, automation, generative AI or the next big innovation – what worked yesterday won’t necessarily work tomorrow,” says Patrick Béhar, Global CEO, Kantar Media. “Now, more than ever, hiring and retaining talent that can adapt to and drive change, challenge the status quo, and bring fresh perspectives on the future of media and measurement, will dictate who wins and who is left behind. At Kantar Media, we are investing in our talent and seizing the opportunity to innovate and evolve our core business. We’re delighted to share these findings today to support our media colleagues in understanding the talent and skills gap, and start a conversation around the concrete ideas they can implement today”

While most media organisations responding to the survey indicate they are performing relatively well in relation to current talent priorities, they are anticipating a significant gap in skills when it comes to AI.

Nearly half of respondents (49%) say that AI is already having a significant impact on their organisation, with 74% saying that AI skills will be essential for recruits.

Further findings include:

  • 70% feel the media industry has a problem with unconscious bias and should do more to recruit talent from all backgrounds
  • Media organisations are more likely to try to grow or recruit AI skills in house
  • 67% of respondents report that it is hard to compete with other organisations to recruit the best talent, with 75% saying it is hard to retain their best talent
  • 83% believe that a good grounding in how media works is essential for new recruits

Communication skills and storytelling were seen as the most important experience for talent, followed by data analysis and interpretation and an ability to explain complex techniques in a simple way.

To access a summary of the findings – or to request the full analysis – please visit –

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As people increasingly move across channels and platforms, Kantar Media’s data and audience measurement, targeting, analytics and advertising intelligence services unlock insights to inform powerful decision-making.

Working with panel and first-party data in over 80 countries, we have the world’s fastest growing cross-media audience measurement capabilities, underpinned by versatility, scale, technology and expertise, to drive long-term business growth for our clients and partners.