Best of 2008’s Digital Campaigns Announced at Eyeblaster Awards

Agencies and campaigns recognized for breakthrough creative and cross channel integration

New York, New York (November 6, 2008) – Eyeblaster celebrates the best in 2008 digital advertising campaigns, recognizing six agencies with top honors at last night’s Eyeblaster Awards bash in New York City. OMD LA and AKQA London walked away with the first award for the most effective use of cross channel campaign integration, alongside other recognized campaigns featuring breakthrough creative from mythical zoo animals and colorful apparel to touch screen innovation.

Agencies and campaigns receiving this year’s top honors include:


North America People’s Choice
HP TouchSmart by Goodby Silverstein & Partners

International People’s Choice
Springfield by OnTwice Interactive (Spain)

North America Judge’s Choice
San Diego Zoo by M&C Saatchi LA

International Judge’s Choice:
Non-stop Fernando by Lean Mean Fighting Machine (UK)

North America Cross Channel Effectiveness Award:
The CW Network, by OMD LA

Using search vs. display, CW’s online campaign used cross channel integration to drive awareness and increase viewership for both Beverly Hills 90210 and America’s Next Top Model. Results from both search and display were analyzed together, showing that the cross channel impact for CW’s campaigns achieved the highest amount of conversions.

International Cross Channel Effectiveness Award:
Nike Football, by AKQA (London)

As part of a multi-faceted and global campaign, AKQA delivered one of the largest video widget campaigns ever attempted, which ran across more than ten countries to raise the profile of the Nike Football web site. Leveraging the European Soccer Championship, AKQA designed the Nike widget to showcase video of well known sporting and media celebrities to deliver Nike branded content directly from a video banner ad to social networks, homepages, blogs, etc.

“We’re thrilled to have HP TouchSmart’s campaign recognized,” said Mike Geiger, Chief Digital Officer at Goodby Silverstein & Partners. “It’s an example of technology, creativity and strategy coming together in a campaign to leverage a brand online and positively effect conversion in multiple channels.”

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About the Eyeblaster Awards

Committed to evolving the art and science of digital advertising, the Eyeblaster Awards raise awareness of the best online advertising, celebrating interactive agencies, advertisers and publishers that understand the full potential of digital campaigns. Eyeblaster gives marketers the power to create and manage campaigns that change the rules of engagement. It’s how breakthrough ideas break through. For more information on this year’s Eyeblaster awards, visit:

About Eyeblaster

In 1999, Eyeblaster was among the pioneers in rich media communication. Today, Eyeblaster extends its inventive heritage in digital advertising through Ad Campaign Manager (ACM). ACM enables interactive agencies, advertisers and publishers to manage campaigns across digital media channels, including online, mobile and in-game, and a variety of formats, including rich media, in-stream video, display and search. ACM is a robust, integrated and easy-to-use platform that allows customers to focus on campaign strategy, creativity and media efficiency without having to worry about the technical complexities associated with managing global advertising campaigns online.

In 2007, Eyeblaster delivered campaigns for nearly 7,000 brand advertisers serving approximately 2,500 ad agencies across over 2,700 global web publishers in over 40 countries worldwide throughout North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East. Learn more at