Last week, KissMyAds were stunned – as many others – by the news published by Simon Dawlat, CEO and founder of AppGratis. He announced that Apple had pulled AppGratis, the model for all App Recommendation Apps, from its store, all but eradicating the roots of AppGratis’ global business that had recently received funding worth $13.5m based on their international expansion prospects.
KissMyAds feel the disappointment on the side of Simon Dawlat and his team, who’ve been doing a terrific job creating a professional organization. And KissMyAds understand this decision by Apple has the potential to unsettle all those who are contemplating investment and commercial activities in the app distribution sphere.
Mobile Publisher Network delivers interested audience
However, the times of successful app promotion through professional partners aren’t over. While channels like AppGratis may have lost cover from the decision makers at Apple, another mode of promoting apps is growing sustainably and without the political implications that make App Recommendation Apps so susceptible to ad-hoc decisions by app store managements. And, coincidentally, we at KissMyAds offer just this way of promoting apps. Mobile Publisher Networks such as ours have been a very successful means of promoting applications for more 2 years now. Our approach differs from that of AppGratis: We can’t offer a guarantee to incentivize 100,000 downloads in a single day, but we are here for long-term growth of app downloads, installs etc. on a solid foundation of mobile traffic generated by the Publishers that are connecting to our system.
No danger of being pulled from app stores
It’s a major advantage of our system that we are 100 percent compatible with the rules of Apple or any other app store provider. We connect interested users with the sites where they can download the applications they like for their own systems. We’re an outright advertising system, so no one is going to ask us if we illegally got paid for forwarding traffic: Of course we do. We’re not editorial. We’re merely interested in the commercial transaction that happens when an app provider gets new users through marketing.
App developers can start promoting on KissMyAds with small budgets
The good thing: App publishers don’t need huge cash piles to promote their apps through KissMyAds. They can start with small budgets and re-invest as they succeed. They have no risk of stray loss. By defining their own price points that will be paid out to KissMyAds Publishers, they remain in control of what they will spend. All in all, it is the easy way to gain visibility and interaction from user groups interested in the offer.