comScore Media Metrix Ranks Top-Growing Properties and Site Categories for December 2009

Holiday Festivities Drive Traffic to Retail and Greetings Sites

Shipping Sites Experience Surge in Traffic as Americans Rush to Ensure Delivery in Time for the Holidays

RESTON, VA – comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, released its monthly analysis of U.S. Web activity at the top-growing properties and site categories for December 2009 based on data from the comScore Media Metrix service. Americans continued to flock to Retail sites in December as the online holiday shopping season reached a crescendo, while holiday festivities caused a surge in traffic to Flowers/Gifts/Greetings and e-Card sites. As many Americans raced to ensure delivery of their holiday gifts in time, shipping sites climbed to a 2009 high in visitation.


“December proved to be a strong month for the retail category with Tuesday, Dec. 15 ranking as the heaviest online spending day of the year – and of all time – at $913 million,” said Jack Flanagan, executive vice president of comScore Media Metrix. “Holiday seasonality also fueled visitation to Shipping sites, which continually see their highest volume of traffic during the month of December.”

Holiday Shopping Continues to Spur Growth at Retail Sites
Retail sites continued to climb in December as Americans scoured the Web for deals this holiday season.  Among the top-gaining Retail sub-categories were Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories, Sports/Outdoor, and Flowers/Gifts/Greetings sites, each growing more than 20 percent versus November. Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories sites attracted nearly 23 million visitors during the month, representing a 30-percent increase from November. eBags, Inc. led the category with 2.9 million visitors (up 28 percent), followed by with 2.2 million visitors (up 26 percent), Zale Corporation with 2.1 million (up 48 percent) and Kay Jewelers with 1.7 million (up 69 percent).

Sports/Outdoor sites grew to nearly 39 million visitors during the month, a 25-percent increase versus November, led by eBay Sports U.S. with 5.1 million visitors (up 21 percent), which was closely followed by Cabelas, Inc. with 5.0 million visitors (up 26 percent). grabbed the #3 position with 4.6 million visitors (up 39 percent), followed by with 2.9 million visitors (up 29 percent).

Flowers/Gifts/Greetings sites saw a 23-percent gain, reaching nearly 39.8 million unique visitors in December. AmericanGreetings Property led the category with 13.6 million visitors (up 18 percent), followed by with 6.8 million (up 49 percent), Hallmark with 5.6 million (up 46 percent) and, Inc. with 2.9 million (up 48 percent).

Tax Sites Grow as Season Nears
Tax sites ranked as the top-gaining category during the month with nearly 6.4 million visitors, up 54 percent from November, as Americans began early preparation for tax season.

Americans Rely on Shipping and e-Card Sites for Holiday To-Do’s
Traffic to Shipping sites spiked in December as Americans rushed to ensure delivery of their gift purchases in time for the holidays. The category attracted 36.6 million visitors during the month, representing a 33-percent increase in traffic. UPS Sites led the category with 19.7 million visitors (up 51 percent), followed by with 15.9 million (up 40 percent) and FedEx with 12.6 million (up 36 percent).

e-Card Sites were a popular way to send holiday cheer in December, with the category growing 29 percent to 31.7 million visitors. Among the most visited were with nearly 8 million visitors (up 16 percent), AG interactive with 6.7 million (up 46 percent), with 5.7 million, and with 4.3 million (up 55 percent).

Table 1
comScore Top 10 Gaining Properties by Percentage Change in Unique Visitors* (U.S.)
December 2009 vs. November 2009
Total U.S. – Home, Work and University Locations
Source: comScore Media Metrix

Total Unique Visitors (000)
Nov-09    Dec-09    % Change    Rank by
Unique Visitors
Total Internet: Total Audience    201,139   205,709       2         N/A
FAMILYLINK.COM                      2,590     6,273     142         222
JibJab Media                        4,686    10,892     132         129
Eastman Kodak                       5,116     9,030      77         160
UPS Sites                          13,091    19,715      51          63
GIFTS.COM                           4,557     6,797      49         211
Ganz                                4,822     7,047      46         207
Nintendo Co.                        3,935     5,750      46         241
Hallmark                            3,881     5,649      46         248
Federated Media Publishing         17,642    25,432      44          45
AccuWeather Sites                   5,190     7,344      41         196
*Ranking based on the top 250 properties in December 2009. Excludes entities whose growth was primarily due to implementation of Media Metrix 360 hybrid audience measurement.

Table 2
comScore Top 10 Gaining Site Categories by Percentage Change in Unique Visitors (U.S.)
December 2009 vs. November 2009
Total U.S. – Home, Work and University Locations
Source: comScore Media Metrix

Total Unique Visitors (000)
Nov-09       Dec-09     % Change
Total Internet: Total Audience       201,139       205,709        2
Business/Finance – Taxes               4,151         6,377       54
Directories/Resources – Shipping      27,451        36,622       33
Retail –
Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories  17,662        22,955       30
Services – e-Cards                    24,692        31,748       29
Retail – Sports/Outdoor               31,208        38,925       25
Retail – Flowers/Gifts/Greetings      32,302        39,788       23
News/Information – Weather            68,321        81,095       19
Travel – Transactions                  2,824         3,313       17
Retail – Toys                         27,384        31,635       16
Retail – Movies                       26,586        30,554       15

comScore will be excluding the Top 50 Properties and the Top 50 Ad-Focus rankings until May 2010 when the hybrid transition period concludes.

About comScore Media Metrix
comScore Media Metrix provides industry-leading Internet audience measurement services that report details of online media usage, visitor demographics and online buying power for the home, work and university audiences across local U.S. markets and across the globe. comScore Media Metrix reports are used by financial analysts, advertising agencies, publishers and marketers. comScore Media Metrix syndicated ratings are based on industry-sanctioned sampling methodologies.

About comScore
comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of digital marketing intelligence. For more information, please visit